Preparing for Upcoming Industry Conferences this Summer

As the cold continues to recede and the warm spring air flows in filling everything with warmth it is a subtle reminder of that important time of year just upon the horizon.  That time, is industry conferences in the summer.  Every summer, across the nation there are dozens of major conferences for nearly every industry.  It is a time for gathering to see new breakthroughs in the field, hear about new techniques and research and network with peers in your industry.  Hosting these conferences successfully requires a mammoth amount of coordination and attention to detail.  If you’re new to the business of hosting these events or even if you’re a veteran there are tips and tricks to be learned.


Let’s explore some ways to help make your summer conference the best it possibly can be.


Number 1: Location, Time and Size

Determine where you’re hosting the conference, for how long and how big it will be.  The size of it and time will play a big role in where you’re able to host it and you should be planning all of this months ahead of time.


Number 2: Bargaining for Deals

For multi-day conferences there should be nearby hotels if there aren’t hotels connected and it is ideal if people can walk to and from the conference in 10-15 minutes or less.  Speak with the hotel manager as well and negotiate deals for people staying who are attending the conference.  Better hotel rates guarantee more people will come because the cost of the trip is cheaper.  If possible, see what can be arranged in the way of meals and refreshments for attendees too, whether it’s free or discounted.

Number 3: Finding High Quality Equipment


Running a good conference means having the right video and audio equipment.  This can be difficult to do if you’re not familiar with what’s available on the market and the space you’re working with is new to you.  Hiring a professional company which can help you map out what is happening where to determine what is needed is an ideal solution.  Moreover, it is strongly advisable that you seek out audio and video equipment rental instead of trying to purchase it.  The idea of purchasing equipment may at first seem ideal because it ‘might’ save you money in the long run, but because technology is advancing so rapidly, you’ll quickly find your equipment outdated in a few short years and wish you had the newer equipment to provide a better experience.  Don’t forget you’ll have to find storage for equipment you buy as well

Number 4: Coordinating Staff and Have a Plan B

Make sure everyone on staff has a print out of their schedule so that they know where to be and when to ensure the conference runs without a hitch and have several back up plans in case something goes awry.  The age-old adage of hope for the best and plan for the worst will ensure that your conference goes smoothly despite any hiccups. 
